Ehdin jo huolestua, kun en kuullut pihaustakaan salaisesta neuleystävästäni lokakuussa, mutta tänään odotus palkittiin ja postilaatikossa minua odotti kirje, josta löytyi todella hieno kortti (itse tehty?) sekä haarukka pitsin tekoon. Aika hauskasti menee kiinnostuksen kohteet yksiin SNY:ni kanssa, sillä olen miettinyt tuota haarukkapitsiä vähän aikaa ja ehdin jo itsekin ostaa haarukan.
I was getting worried since I had heard nothing from my Knitting Pal in October, but today I received a lovely card (home made?) and a netting fork. An interesting coincidence is that I have been thinking about this technique for a while and actually bought a fork the other day.

Arvatkaapa huviksenne mitä olin aikonut tehdä? Ajattelin kokeilla huivin tekoa näillä SNY:ni syyskuussa lähettämillä bambulangoilla. Ne ovat koko ajan huutaneet haluavansa huiviksi, mutta en ole keksinyt sopivan ilmavaa mallia ennen kuin tässä viikko takaperin hoksasin, että nämä langat sopisivat miettimääni haarukkapitsikokeiluun. Nyt on ainakin välineitä kokeilla ja opetella. Käyn tämän projektin kimppuun heti kun muut kiireet helpottavat.
Guess what I was planning to do? A scarf of the bamboo yarn my Knitting Pal sent me in September! This yarn has been screaming it wants to be a scarf, I just could not figure out a suitable model until I recently got the idea that the netting fork and the bamboo yarn belong together. And now I have all the equipment to learn and experiment, as soon as I get less busy with other projects.
Guess what I was planning to do? A scarf of the bamboo yarn my Knitting Pal sent me in September! This yarn has been screaming it wants to be a scarf, I just could not figure out a suitable model until I recently got the idea that the netting fork and the bamboo yarn belong together. And now I have all the equipment to learn and experiment, as soon as I get less busy with other projects.

Monet kiitokset SNY:lle, oli kiva kuulla sinusta. Ensi kerralla et sitten enää olekaan salainen! Minulla ei ole aavistustakaan kuka olet, joten tästä tulee mielenkiintoista.
Thank you my secret Knitting Pal, it was nice hearing from you. Next time you won't be secret any more! Currently I have no clue of your identity so it will be exciting.
Thank you my secret Knitting Pal, it was nice hearing from you. Next time you won't be secret any more! Currently I have no clue of your identity so it will be exciting.
Hello! Im just starting to knit with a fork aswell, seems so much fun. :) Good luck with your project and hope you will put it up for showing.
Hello Nina! It really seems like a fun thing to do and the lace is beautiful. I looked up your blog and found all the nice links and pictures about the technique. I'll certainly need instructions since I've never done this before. And I can't wait to see what you'll come up with!
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