Minun on jo pitkään tehnyt mieli kokeilla hopeakoruja. Niinpä lopulta ostin nämä sekä hopealankaa. Minulla on erilaisia helmiä varastossa, joten koitan aluksi löytää niistä sopivia ja värkkäillä näiden hopeisten osasten kanssa koruja. Siis, heti kun vain on pikkuisen enemmmän aikaa keskittyä suunnittelemaan ja harjoittelemaan.
I've been wanting to try silver jewellery for a while and now I bought some equipment. I have a stash of beads so once I find the time I will try to make something out of these.
I've been wanting to try silver jewellery for a while and now I bought some equipment. I have a stash of beads so once I find the time I will try to make something out of these.

Valoa oli huononlaisesti, joten kuvat eivät ole parhaita. Tämän alemman kuvan ylälaidassa vilahtaa myös musta paljetein koristeltu joustopitsi, jota on aikomus ommella muutamien vanhojen puseroiden helmaan. Taas kunhan ehdin. Muutenkin olisi hirveästi juttuja, joita on haluttanut kokeilla jo pitkään, mutta koskaan ei tunnu ehtivän. Lista sisältää (hopea)korujen lisäksi haarukkapitsiä, neulahuovutusta ja neulakintaita, kangaspuilla kutomista ja nauhojen tekoa.
There was not much light today, so the pictures are not that good. At the top of the lower picture you can see the edge of a black elastic lace that I thought of sewing on the hem of some old blouses, as soon as I find the time. There seems to be so many techniques I would like to try but never seem to get round doing. The looong list includes (besides silver jewellery) netting fork, needle-binding, felting, looms, you name it.

There was not much light today, so the pictures are not that good. At the top of the lower picture you can see the edge of a black elastic lace that I thought of sewing on the hem of some old blouses, as soon as I find the time. There seems to be so many techniques I would like to try but never seem to get round doing. The looong list includes (besides silver jewellery) netting fork, needle-binding, felting, looms, you name it.

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