Tuesday, December 27, 2005

How is your English?

Chief try Here blogissa is function show nyhräämiseni tuotoksia. Next ajattelen weaving ( buzz but , only mine murteessani weaving is weaving , no sewing ) and possibly muita käsitöitä , next maybe virkkaamista. Usually tuotokseni ovat pienimuotoisia , no then aught cardigan or comparable. Dream is neulekone , jolly melted ago fulfil everybody those glorious away gliding for , blouse and mekotkin joita no kaupoista löydy and joita no hand manage.

I sent a link of my blog to a non-Finnish-speaking person who computer generated a lovely translation of my first attempt to blog. What I was trying to say was that I wish to present the results of my intented knittings and other handiwork in my blog. I do not tend to do anything in very grand scale, like cardigans etc. I dream of a knitting machine that would allow me to realise all the beautiful knitted garments that I dream of.

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